Liposuction - Dayton, OH
Dr. Raymond Wolf Has Over 20 Years Of Experience Performing Liposuction in Dayton, OH!
What Is Liposuction?
Liposuction is an outpatient body sculpting procedure to remove fat in one or more areas under local or general anesthesia. At our cosmetic surgery practice in Dayton, we are able to perform liposuction on many areas of the body:
- Chin liposuction can reduce or eliminate a double chin.
- Men, including teenaged boys, often undergo liposuction to treat gynecomastia, which is over-development of the male breasts.
- Liposuction of the back, buttocks, upper arms, inner and outer thighs, knees, neck and abdomen are also popular among both men and women in the Dayton area.
Liposuction, as performed by Dr. Raymond Wolf, actually provides both removal of unwanted fat and skin tightening.
Watch Dayton Liposuction Surgeon Dr. Raymond Wolf On WDTN!
Watch Dayton liposuction expert Dr. Raymond Wolf interviewed on Living Dayton on WDTN, discussing some important things people need to know before undergoing liposuction surgery.
About Liposuction
There are several types of liposuction:
- Tumescent Liposuction
- Super-Wet Liposuction
- Laser Liposuction and Laser-Assisted Liposuction
- Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction
Tumescent Liposuction is the most common type of liposuction. It involves the injection of medicated solution into the areas where unwanted fat will be removed. The fluid is a mixture of local anesthetic (Lidocaine), which contracts the blood vessels (epinephrine), and a sterile saline (water and salt solution). The Lidocaine numbs the treated area both during and after surgery, and is often the only anesthesia needed. The epinephrine also helps to reduce bruising, swelling and blood loss. The tumescent solution makes fat removal easier and is suctioned out along with the fat.

Super-Wet Liposuction also uses tumescent fluid and, although the procedure is faster, it often requires sedation with an IV or general anesthesia, as the procedure is less comfortable for most patients.
Laser Liposuction and Laser-Assisted Liposuction utilizes laser waves to destroy fat cells. This procedure has become the industry standard in cosmetic surgery for the removal of unwanted fatty tissue. It removes excess fat deposits and shapes the body to improve and smooth the appearance of irregular body shapes. This process is often referred to as body contouring. This result is achieved using a vacuum-suction cannula (hollow pen-like instrument) or an ultrasonic probe. When compared with traditional liposuction, laser liposuction is safer, minimally invasive, allows for shorter recovery times and vastly improves skin tightening. Approved in October, 2006, by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), lower-level laser therapy has been shown to increase penetration as internal application of laser energy may be the most effective method to reduce unwanted fat deposits.
Studies also show that the laser energies stimulate new collagen and boost tissue tightening and elasticity with low risk of thermal injury or side effects. Dr. Wolf combines Tumescent Liposuction with Laser-Assisted Liposuction to obtain the best results from each technology: more comfortable fat removal plus skin tightening and collagen stimulation.
Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) made its debut in the US in 1996. Through the use of ultrasonic vibrations, the fat is melted and the liquefied fat cells are removed by suction.
You may have heard of liposuction by the names Smartlipo and Vaser® Lipo. Smartlipo is a brand name for a type of laser-assisted liposuction, and Vaser® liposuction is a brand name for a specific type of ultrasound-assisted liposuction.
How Much Does Liposuction Cost?
The cost of liposuction depends on numerous factors, including the number of areas to be treated, whether local or general anesthesia is needed, and the amount of fat to be removed. At your private consultation with Dr. Wolf at our Dayton cosmetic surgery practice, he will advise you on the best course of action and, of course, provide financial details covering your procedure, anesthesia and post-liposuction care. Many of our liposuction patients choose to finance their procedures with one of the finance companies with which we are associated.
Good Candidates for Liposuction
Healthy adult men and women concerned about areas of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise and who have realistic expectations are optimal candidates for liposuction. It’s wise to remember, however, that liposuction is not a weight-loss method. It’s advised that you be within 10-20% of your ideal body weight for a period of at least 6 months prior to undergoing liposuction.
Poor Candidates for Liposuction
Liposuction is not advised for those with high blood pressure, diabetes, poor circulation, and/or heart or lung disease. However, if your illness is well controlled, and you are approved for surgery by your family physician or internist, the procedure may be performed. If you are a smoker, Dr. Wolf will advise you to quit smoking at least two weeks prior to your liposuction procedure and to refrain from smoking for at least one month afterwards. If you have lost massive amounts of weight, Dr. Wolf prefers that you be at a stable weight for at least 6 months prior to undergoing liposuction.
Liposuction can be performed alone or in combination with a Brazilian Butt Lift, a Tummy Tuck or other cosmetic surgery procedure. Many of our Dayton patients add liposuction to the chin and/or neck during a facelift procedure.
Alternatives to Liposuction
For some patients, particularly those with stretch marks and/or abdominal muscle weakening due to childbearing or aging, a tummy tuck (with or without added liposuction) is the better choice. While liposuction will remove fat, and Dr. Wolf’s technique provides some skin tightening, patients who have borne children or who have lost a great deal of weight may require removal of excess skin and fatty tissue that is beyond the scope of liposuction alone.
How Liposuction is Performed?
Under local anesthesia, Dr. Wolf injects tumescent fluid into the areas to be treated. Tumescent fluid is a sterile salt-water solution that helps loosen the fat beneath the skin. Through the use of a very small tube, laser waves are released into the treated area to melt the fat cells. Once the cells are melted, a small tube, called a Blugerman cannula, removes the fat. If the fat is to be repurposed for fat grafting or fat transfer, it is processed in special equipment and then injected into the areas requiring plumping, such as the back of the hands, the buttocks, lips, facial wrinkles, cheeks, or temples. If you have ample fat, it can be frozen and used at a later time instead of dermal fillers such as Juvéderm® or Restylane®.
Liposuction Video
In this video of laser liposuction, Dayton cosmetic surgeon Dr. Raymond Wolf demonstrates Laser Lipo Plus, a revolutionary advance in liposculpture surgery, which was introduced at the World Congress of Liposuction in Washington, D.C., in October, 2010. Dr. Wolf combines classic tumescent liposuction with laser lipolysis, the Blugerman cannula and the MTS skin-tightening device, to provide not just superior contouring, but exceptional skin tightening as well.
Recovery from Liposuction
Our Dayton liposuction patients find that Dr. Wolf’s technique provides a fairly rapid recovery, consisting of 2-3 days of mild discomfort, which can be treated with Tylenol. He will see you in the office within the week after your procedure to confirm your progress.
If diet and exercise have not given you the sculpted body you’ve been seeking, liposuction may be the answer. Once removed, individual fat cells do not return. So, if you eat right and exercise you will be able to maintain the sleeker profile you desire.
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PS: Health insurance will not cover the costs of liposuction, as it’s not a medically necessary procedure, but talk to us about financing options!