Why I’m Saying “No” to Kybella
Have you heard of Kybella? It’s a new injectable that’s designed to reduce double chins. It’s all the latest rage and, Kythera—the company that makes it—is being targeted by the mighty Allergan (the folks who make Juvéderm®, Botox® and other injectables) for a buyout. Marketing has been intense, replete with before/after photos that would make those with a double chin jump up and run to my office. So, why am I saying “No” to Kybella? First, some background and then I’ll share my reasons.
What is Kybella?
Kybella, aka ATX-101, is a patented form of deoxycholic acid, which destroys fat cells. Your body actually has its own natural version of deoxycholic acid, which is why some of us don’t have a double chin! For those who do, Kybella is purported to eliminate them when Kybella is injected into the body.
Why I’m Not Offering Kybella
Here’s how Kybella compares with liposuction:
- Recovery: Kybella treatment requires 20-30 injections in each session and a series of 2 to 4 sessions no less than 6 weeks apart each. Aside from the combination of discomfort and inconvenience, the swelling that follows treatment is often severe enough that patients compare themselves to bullfrogs. Who wants to/can walk around for a few days looking like that? Most of my Dayton liposuction patients have a much faster recovery!
- Results: It takes time for Kybella to destroy the fat cells and the body to flush them out. This doesn’t happen overnight. Liposuction results are visible immediately. Furthermore, based on some of the Kybella before/after photos I have seen, I have my doubts whether the product delivers the results they claim.
- Repeated recovery cycles: If you have liposuction of your double chin, it’s done once and you have one recovery. If you have Kybella injections, you have another recovery cycle every month for two to four months.
- Cost: Two treatments will run around $2400, and any patient will require at least two, and maybe three or four. Liposuction of the chin costs less.
Liposuction of the chin uses a technique that’s been around for decades and is very safe. It can also be combined with other procedures to not only reduce fat in the chin, but also to minimize the signs of aging in the jowls at the same time.
I fully understand my patients’ desires for non-surgical treatments, rapid recovery and the most budget-friendly pricing as possible. However, I cannot, in good faith, inject Kybella into my patients unless they understand that I offer no guarantees of Kybella’s effectiveness. Liposuction works. The old saying, “If it ain’t broke”…comes to mind.
To your health & beauty,
Raymond D. Wolf, DO
Dayton Cosmetic Surgeon