The Benefits of Laser Lipo Plus
Have you been thinking about liposuction as a way to eliminate the pockets of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise? Many of my Dayton liposuction patients have concerns about fat in the tummy, love handles, back, thighs and upper arms, as well as beneath the chin and on the inside area of the knees. Unfortunately, some of them have a secondary concern: that their skin might sag once the fat beneath is removed. This is a valid consideration, as the older we get, the less “bounce back” we have in our skin. There’s no point in getting rid of the fat and then having sagging skin, right? Well, I have a second liposuction option for my patients, called Laser Lipo Plus, that addresses the concern about loose skin.
What is Laser Liposuction?
Laser Lipo Plus is an advanced liposuction procedure that utilizes a special cannula, called the Blugerman cannula, that not only helps remove fat, but also stimulates the skin to nicely retract after the procedure, thereby avoiding sagging skin post-liposuction.
Where Can I Have Laser Liposuction?
Any part of the body is a potential site for laser liposuction, such as the belly, back, flanks, thighs (inner or outer), upper arms and even the inside area of the knees. Basically, if you have an area of fat that doesn’t go away with exercise and diet, both traditional liposuction and Laser Lipo Plus are options to consider.
Benefits of Laser Lipo Plus
Traditional liposuction uses cannulas (tubes connected to a suction machine) to remove fat. However, the advanced technology in Laser Lipo Plus is the ability for that cannula to more aggressively stimulate the skin so that it’s tighter after the procedure, giving my Dayton liposuction patients a smoother result. It also helps with cellulite removal, the bane of many women!
If you have areas of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise, give us a call to discuss the liposuction options at our Dayton cosmetic surgery office. Call 937-839-4681 or complete this online consultation form.