Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy Tuck – Dayton, OH
What is Abdominoplasty?
Abdominoplasty is an elective cosmetic surgery procedure to tighten the muscles of the abdomen and to remove excess skin and, optionally, extra fat in the tummy area. An abdominoplasty is often called a tummy tuck. Dayton men and women interested in sculpting the abdominal area can rest assured that cosmetic surgeon Dr. Raymond Wolf has performed many abdominoplasty procedures to the satisfaction of his tummy tuck patients. Dr. Wolf performs two types of abdominoplasty surgery: the classic tummy tuck and the liposuction assisted tummy tuck.
Good Candidates for Abdominoplasty
Adult men and women who cannot fully tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall with normal exercise, and/or who have sagging or extremely loose abdominal wall skin due to weight gain and loss cycles or normal aging, are usually good candidates for a tummy tuck, as are women who have experienced past pregnancies. For women, it’s important that family building is completed, as pregnancy after abdominoplasty will undo all the repairs accomplished.
The Abdominoplasty Procedure
A tummy tuck starts by creating an incision just above the pubis from hip to hip. The tissues above this are then separated to give Dr. Wolf access to the abdominal muscle, which is sutured tightly. Liposuction is performed to remove discrete fat and then the skin and tissues are brought back down like a window shade. The belly button is relocated through the new, smoother abdominal wall. Excess skin and tissues are incised and the skin and fat layer is brought down to meet the lower edge of the removed fat and skin. Two drains are inserted in the wound, and meticulous suturing technique is performed. A compressive abdominal dressing is applied and the patient goes home to recover.
Recovery from Abdominoplasty
Our Dayton tummy tuck patients recover at home under responsible adult care or, alternatively, at a recovery facility nearby. Most tummy tuck patients find that they’re most comfortable when they walk bent over for the first few days to a week, and that walking is the best exercise for their needs. Dr. Wolf will prescribe medication for pain, although most of our Dayton abdominoplasty patients find that over-the-counter pain medication is adequate after the first three days or so. You will see Dr. Wolf a few days after surgery for drain removal and within 2-3 weeks for suture removal. The compressive garment placed on you after surgery will need to be worn 24/7 for 6-8 weeks postop, and removed only for bathing. No heavy lifting (small children, groceries, etc.) or rigorous exercise for 6-8 weeks and, of course, no smoking, since any of those activities can disrupt healing. Most tummy tuck patients find that a return to work feels comfortable about two weeks after the procedure, but it varies among patients and among the types of work they do. Dr. Wolf will guide you in deciding when to return to work and social activities.
Alternatives to Abdominoplasty include laser liposuction or liposculpture of the abdomen. Read more about Laser Lipo Plus.